Thank You Lord, for Allowing Me the Knowledge, Ability, & Patience to Save My Family Money!

May We Use This Money To Glorify You!

To God Be The Glory!


Do Not Be A THIEF!

Nothing makes me more mad than hearing about or seeing someone steal something.  I buy 4 papers each week.  I pay for all for papers, which is $6.  I save at least 20 times that amount each week.  Be a good honest person, pay for your papers, don't pay for one & steal 15. Don't pay for 1 and steal all the coupon inserts out of the rest.  If you do so you are a THIEF!  Plain & Simple! I am not saying any of my readers would do this, but if you happen to catch someone doing this PLEASE report them. There are notices on the top of the paper dispensers that say there is rewards for notifying the paper about theft.
For those low lifes that think this is okay, remember that little thing called karma. And in my opinion everything you buy using those coupons is also stolen!!  So STOP IT, place nice & fair before you ruin couponing for the rest of us who have to do it to make ends meet. 

Also shelf are RUDE (I did buy a ton of purex sofetners at Rite Aid, but I did not fully clear the shelves), the kind person who came in before me cleared the shelves of everything else I wanted to get.  Also think about those people coming in behind you, what if you just cleared the whole stock of something that a person really needs.  You are only thinking about yourself!!!! NOTHING disgusts me more than being excited about a deal only to find the shelves are cleared 2 hours into the sale. 

With this stupid TLC show there is a surge in people using coupons to the extreme.  So my lovely coupon students you must be on your game.  Hopefully in a few months these crazy newbies (and I'm not talking about you my readers) will get tired of clipping coupons and things will calm down! 

Sorry this whole post was one big rant, but I am really disgusted about the way people are doing.  So be a good person, don't steal papers, don't clear shelves!!! 

God Bless & Happy Couponing!!

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